La agricultura regenerativa consiste en un conjunto de prácticas agrícolas y de pastoreo cuyo objetivo es regenerar, estimular y conservar la fertilidad y diversidad del ecosistema de la finca. Se centraliza en la restauración del suelo para asegurar la sostenibilidad del sistema alimentario y la calidad nutricional de las plantas y animales en sintonía con la naturaleza.

Nuestra finca produce almendras, uvas tempranillo, aceitunas con las que elaboramos nuestro propio aceite de oliva, prensado en frío, filtrado y no filtrado; hortalizas que usamos para nuestras cenas y picoteos; frutas con las que hacemos mermeladas. Y tenemos gallinas cuyos huevos servimos en el desayuno.

Finca El Azahar - Casa Rural en Trujillo
Finca el Azahar - Casa Rural en Trujillo
Finca El Azahar - Casa Rural en Trujillo

At Finca El Azahar, former Finca Santa Marta, we have welcomed travelers from all over the world who are passionate about ornithology for more than twenty years. The Finca has a strategic position on the migratory routes for bird watching and photography.
We can hire you an ornithological guide upon request.

At Finca El Azahar you can see a multitude of stars throughout the year. Thanks to its absence of light and cloud pollution, Extremadura is an astronomy paradise. We can hire you an astronomical guide upon request.
Finca El Azahar offers its clients the opportunity to get their hands dirty in the soil and manipulate horticultural plants with our garden manager. Classes are intended for people of all ages in private or group sessions. Short introduction of what permaculture means and its importance as a solution to mitigate climate change, plant vegetables, flowers, sow planting beds, fertilize the soil and harvest. Price: €15/person, one hour and a half of class. In groups of 6 or more people: €10/person. Season: spring and autumn.
The great landscape wealth around Finca El Azahar offers routes to explore on foot or by bicycle. At Finca El Azahar we offer a bicycle rental service, at a cost of €15/day.